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Application (2019)


Eligibility for participation

18 years +, recommended at least 2-years experience, all nationalities welcome



JP¥84,800- (JP¥78,800- for participant who will be able to transfer fees between Japanese Banks, not international bank transfer)

Includes: all classes, concerts, accommodation (3 nights), 3 dinners, 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches (not private lesson fee) 

Optional fee for private lesson with Nanae Mimura will be JP¥5,000 for 30 minutes and JP¥10,000 for 60 minutes lesson.


How to apply

  1. Fill out the online application form and send us 

  2. If you need a VISA to enter Japan, please apply by yourself in your country before you transfer fees to us

  3. When you get the VISA, please let us know. We will let you know our bank information.

  4. Transfer fees. (Banking information will be provided.)



Nanae Mimura

Mai Sasaki (1002 Co.,Ltd.)  TEL: +81-3-3264-0244

Application Form


参加者名(漢字)Full Name


フリガナ(for Japanese only)


住所 Address


​電話番号(携帯可)Phone number


Email アドレス Email Address


​保護者氏名と連絡先(18歳未満の方)For applicant under 18, please fill in your parent's contact


年齢 Age


性別 Gender


職業 Occupation


学校名(音楽大学を卒業された方は、出身大学名)Name of the schools( current or graduated from )



Let us know your solo repertoire which you are planning to play at the camp


マリンバ歴(これまでに師事した先生ほか)Let us know your musical (marimba) back ground



   We've closed the request of the private lesson with Nanae Mimura 

三村奈々恵プライベート・レッスン(日本語・英語)を希望 Request for private lesson with Nanae Mimura



Let us know the name if you already have a person who wants to share a room with you. If not, we will arrange a roommate for you.


訪問ボランティアの希望有無 Would you like to perform at our volunteer concert at the local nursing home?



If yes, let us know the piece you wish to play. If you want to play a duo on 1 (5 oct.) marimba, let us know your partner, too. 7 performers and 7 minutes performance each are maximum.



Would you like to join either marimba ensemble or body percussion ensemble to perform at the finale concert?


希望曲をご記入ください。マリンバ・アンサンブルは 5 oct. 2台マリンバまで。

For body percussion ensemble, please select and let us know your piece and a part from our choices. For marimba ensemble, please suggest your pieces and parts. You can use two 5 oct. marimbas maximum. For example, it could be a marimba duo on 1 marimba or 2 marimbas, or marimba trio/quartet on 1 or 2 marimbas etc.


マリンバ持参の有無 *For Japanese residents only




「小淵沢」までの予定移動方法 Transportation plans to Kobuchizawa



​If you have any questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


ご応募ありがとうございます Thanks for submitting!

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